– Updated
– Updated
You can specify the number of seconds before your voicemail is activated (by default, this is 20 seconds). You can choose from 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 seconds:
- To activate your voicemail after 30 seconds of ringing, dial (*)*61*+32456191933**30# and then press the call button.
- To activate your voicemail after 25 seconds of ringing, dial (*)*61*+32456191933**25# and then press the call button.
You can forward calls to your voicemail via your smartphone settings or by dialling the following codes (note: replace the number ‘32456191933’ in the code in the example below with the other phone number you want to redirect to if you want to forward calls):
- (*)*61*+32456191933# and press the call button - voicemail will become active when you do not answer.
- (*)*61*+32456191933# and press the call button - voicemail will become active when there is no network service or your device is switched off.
- (*)*61*+32456191933# and press the call button - voicemail will become active when your line is busy.
(*) this means that for some devices, you will need to dial two asterisks